
Christine Parker Christine Parker

A Religious Trauma Therapist Walks Into a Nude Sauna…

Sounds like the start of a joke, right? That’s what I thought when I wrote the title for this week’s blog post (i.e. “A priest, a rabbi, and a minister walk into a bar…”). For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you know that I recently was on vacation…

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Christine Parker Christine Parker

Making New Friends After Leaving High Control Religion

Making new friends after leaving your faith community is HARD. Churches are often marketed as second families, and the longer you spend in a faith community, the deeper those familial bonds and attachments grow. The loss of that community…

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Christine Parker Christine Parker

Center Yourself in Your Story

Winter greetings from San Diego! I hope you have been having a gentle January. It is raining here today, and the power is out – perfect conditions for writing a blog post 🙂 I wanted to dive into a concept that resonated with some people…

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Christine Parker Christine Parker

Setting Intentions for the New Year

Well, it’s the first week of 2024 and the holiday season is officially behind us! (Confession, though – I still have the Christmas tree and decorations up… still not quite ready to “un-Christmas” our space). A lot of us are letting out a big exhale.…

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Christine Parker Christine Parker

Emotional Responses To Religious Trauma

(It’s Okay If Gratitude Is Not One Of Them!)

Well, here we are already halfway through November – how on earth did that happen?? Temps are dropping, daylight savings has ended, the time for embracing darkness and hygge has begun…

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Christine Parker Christine Parker

Why Survivors of Religious Trauma Feel Isolated

One thing I see a lot in my work with people who are healing from religious trauma and spiritual abuse or who are deconstructing their faith is a pervasive feeling of loneliness and isolation, as well as the question of “what now?”

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Christine Parker Christine Parker

Purity culture and the LGBTQIA+ experience

As a therapist who works with survivors of religious trauma, and as a queer person who grew up in conservative Christianity, I have seen the widespread and harmful impact of purity culture in the lives of queer individuals. Let’s dive in…

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Christine Parker Christine Parker

Depression and anxiety in LGBTQIA+ survivors of religious trauma

It does not take a lot of mental gymnastics to understand that growing up in conservative religious communities as a queer person creates all sorts of challenges, struggles, disconnection, and pain. When your identity or who you love has to be kept a secret in order to belong…

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