The Day I Realized I Had to “Save” My Dad: The Toxic Burden of Evangelism in High Control Religion
Believing that someone I loved could be eternally damned — and that it was my responsibility to prevent it — was an immense emotional weight. This toxic message instilled in me a sense of hyper-responsibility for others, which (unfortunately) didn't just magically disappear…
Deck the Halls with Boundaries and Self-Care: 12 Days of Healing for Religious Trauma Survivors During the Holidays
The holiday season can be uniquely challenging for survivors of religious trauma and spiritual abuse. For many, December brings up complex feelings tied to faith, family, and beliefs or traditions that have been harmful.
Navigating the Holidays After Faith Deconstruction: A Religious Trauma Therapist’s Perspective on Gratitude
A couple weeks ago my wife and I boarded a plane to Denver, CO to join 11 other adults, 2 kids, and 1 canine for the 2nd biennial Friendsgiving weekend…